Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Metal poison, itchy sheets and itchy hips.

Okay so basically this morning I woke up at 6:30 terribly. I was itchy in my bed. It was due either to the contact of the sheets or the heat produced. Im thinking for now that it was due to laying in my bed last night with my jeans ive been using for over a week. Germs must have passed from the contact. Also, my hips and butt have been itchy for a few days. It must be from the same pants! Another thing last night i was thirsty so i went to get some water with a metal mug i have. I woke up thirsty again and drank again. This morning i feel horrible from the inside. Almost as if im getting sick, i mean really physically. My head feels nauseated. The mug was a free present from the library from last year. It must be really crappy. I think its scratched and is causing me to be sick from metal poisoning. Another reason why i think so is that my eyes and throat feel dry as if i did not have enough water. As if my body is actually needing to deal with the water i drank. Im not sure how to dispose of the mug since it seems to be almost purely metal, i would feel bad for throwing it in the trash. Any suggestions?
I think ive got the rest covered.

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